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Our Highlights From The Photography & Video Show 2025


All images shot on Kodak Portra 400, scan and dev by us.
All images shot on Kodak Portra 400, scan and dev by us.

If you love film, video and photography, The Photography & Video Show really is the one to attend each year!

We've just got back from a fun couple of days at the show which was hosted at Excel London for the first time.

It was amazing to see so much positivity and buzz around analogue photography as a whole that we had to share some of our favourite highlights from the show with you, just in case you couldn't make it this year!

Our Highlights From The Photography & Video Show 2025

The Future of Film Photography

Film is certainly not dead! Giles Braithwaite from Ilford gave a talk on the future of film photography and why the future of film is bright.

Taking to the analogue stage, Giles shared that film has steadily been growing since 2013 and thinks that the future will be abundant with a lot of smaller brands and small entreprenurs filling the market, which will undoubtedly change the landscape of analogue film as we currently know it.

He revealed some very interesting stats from their global film users survey (see stats image below!). 1/3 of the people surveyed said they had started shooting film in the last few years which is huge! It shows that the younger generations are trying this medium and it is a hugely positive message for the industry.

Harman (Ilford) have made a big manufacturing investment for growth in the next 25/30 years of the business, with plans to double 35mm capacity, along with coming up with new films.

Ilford released the newest colour film to the market for over 25 years which was Harman Phoenix, and recently their new Red Scale Film.

The future of film really is bright, and we really enjoyed this inspiring and positive talk by Giles.

Creator Playground

As you stepped into the show you were greeted by the creator playground. This year's theme for creator playground was 'Play'.

There were plenty of fun photo opportunities to test out creative photo angles and beyond. Check out our co-founder Sarah, she lifts!

Along with the creator playground, there was live demos and talks available for photographers and videographers who were looking to up their content creation game.

Getting The Images That Matter

A really poignant and interesting behind the lens talk was with Leon Neal of Getty Images.

He talked about how he approaches the wide variety of stories that he covers around the world, and boy has he covered some hugely notable events.

There was a lot to take away from the talk and he also shared some tips on thinking outside the box to get unique and interesting shots.

I really liked his analogy for street photography. He said you can either be a shark, or a fisherman. Leon said, "Sharks cover as much ground as possible and keep moving to get a wide variety of shots. Whereas fishermen find a spot that's going to be good pickings, you stop and wait and see what you can get. It takes time, but works when it happens".

So, which one are you?

Disabled Photographers' Society

We particularly enjoyed the Disabled Photographers' Society stand which was a treasure trove for photographers! They are a registered charity which is run by disabled photographers, for disabled photographers.

Their stand was stacked full of pre loved equipment so you never knew what gem you might find! This included cameras, tripods, lenses, bags and more, with all proceeds helping to fund their various activities.


We didn't get time to head off on one of the organised photowalks from the show, but there were plenty of opportunities to test new cameras and meet with some of the analogue community.

There were however plenty of photo opportunities surrounding the Excel Centre which made the morning commute to the event even better.

I'll leave you with some shots from the surrounding area, all shot on Kodak Portra 400.

Did you make it to the show this year? We'd love to hear what your highlights were!



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